Friday, April 13, 2012

Sweet Deal With Cinnamon

Studies have shown that cinnamon can help weight loss goals with a scoop every day. That's a sweet deal if you ask me. Cinnamon is rich in fiber, calcium, magnesium, & iron. It may also help avoid the spread of cancer cells! It can lower the cravings for sweet foods. It has an effect on insulin levels on the body. Cinnamon delays the time that food passes through the intestines to the stomach, making you feel fuller through out the day. It can also help pass on carbohydrates more efficiently. Cinnamon has more an effect on the abdominal fat more than any other part of the body. So add it to your coffee, your tea, or sprinkle it on top of anything you eat but keep it minimal. There are also cinnamon capsules available for easy consumption. Have a good day!